Your giving changes the World.

You can support the work Harvest Community Church is doing in your community and around the world.


By tithing, you place your financial trust in God's hands, adhering to the biblical principle of giving the first 10% of your income back to Him. We've witnessed abundant provision in our church, confident that He will abundantly provide for you and your family when prioritizing Him in your finances.

This act stands out in the Bible as the one where God encourages testing Him: "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it." Malachi 3:10

Other Ways to Give

Don't want to give online? Here are some other ways you can give.

Bring your Giving
You can always bring your giving with you to place in our offering plate or in the offering box located at the back entrance to our sanctuary.
Mail your Giving
You can mail your check or money order to our church. Our mailing address is:
PO Box 1045
Olathe, CO 81425
Giving to Mission Brazil 2025?
Here is how.

Online Giving: Choose Mission Brazil 2025 in the dropdown menu instead of choosing General Fund. If you are giving to a specific team member, please type their name in the memo/notes section of the giving form.

Check/Money Order: Please send your check by mail to the PO Box  listed on the giving page. Make the check out to Harvest Community Church and place a note inside the envelope stating  "Misson Brazil - (Person's Name)".

F.A.Q. about Giving to Our Church

Malachi 3:10 explains that tithe literally means "tenth", which is denoting what percentage of your income, or anything you produce, you should prayerfully consider giving back to God as your spiritual act of worship. God calls his church to be the collector and manger of these funds according to His plans and purposes. People who are new to tithing may find it difficult, at first, to give 10% of their income. If this is you, please go to God in prayer and make it a priority to give something on a regular basis. You will find that God is faithful to continue to bless what you give cheerfully so you may continue to be obedient moving forward.

A tithe literally means "tenth" and is to come from the first of your income before your expenses. Offering is any gift above and beyond your tithe. We will often ask for love benevolence offerings to help people in our church or community or love offerings to give to a guest speaker or musician. There is no specific instructions on how much to give for an offering, but God loves a cheerful giver based on 2 Corinthians 9:7.

The best way to give is online through the computer or mobile app. You can make a one time gift or set your giving to be automatically deducted from your checking account at the interval most convenient to you.

Yes! During special giving emphasis like the Annie Armstrong National Mission offering, Lottie Moon International Mission offering, Nicy Murphy State Mission offering, and other special offerings and fund raisers, you will have the opportunity to give above your tithe to the offering of your choice. Information about these special offerings will be available on our website with specific instructions on how to give. 

Yes! We are grateful that you are giving to Harvest Community Church out of obedience to God and to help support the ministry of our church. We believe that this is reason enough to give, but are glad that we share a non-profit status through our networking relationship with the Colorado Baptist General Convention and can offer you a tax deduction for your donations.

Harvest Community Church is not an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit, but we partner with the Colorado Baptist General Convention to operate under their non-profit organization. Your monetary and non-monetary gifts are tax deductible as long as you provide accurate attribution information such as name and mailing address. Giving statements are mailed, provided electronically, and or handed to you by the 31st of January of the following year per IRS guidelines. Please contact us if you need help obtaining our giving record or if you have additional questions about tax deductible giving.

Harvest Community Church is committed to financial transparency. Our church membership pre-approves of any money to be spent through our annual budget adoption. We have a treasure who actively maintains our cashflow records and quarterly reports our income and expenses to the church membership. Our Finance Team works diligently to develop and present the proposed budget to the church membership each year and reviews expenditures that exceed the church budget while communicating these additional financial needs to the church. We have a third party bookkeeper who is not a member of our church who helps with tax filings and checks and balances. We also undergo a voluntary audit regularly to make sure our practices are meeting or exceeding the local, state, and federal requirements while at the same time looks for any discrepancies.

All spending is authorized once a year through the adoption of an annual budget as voted on by the members of the church. A Finance Team is elected by the church to help oversee the budget process and present additional expenditures to the church for periodic approval. The church has an elected treasurer who records and manages the income and expenses of the church in addition to presenting financial reports to the church on a quarterly basis. The Harvest Community Church utilizes a non associated bookkeeper to help maintain local, state, and federal in addition to proving a form of checks and balances for our finances. As an additional measure of fidelity and transparency, our church voluntarily requests and annual audit of our income, expenses, and financial processes to insure high levels of integrity and best practices.

Mobile-giving app
Give using theĀ our Church App.