"There are 1.55 million people in an unreached people group that the Owens have been called to work with in Brazil. For security purposes we are leaving out the name of the group. The goal is to reach them with the Gospel of Jesus. These people have never been exposed to the gospel of Jesus before. The key is to reach them with a culturally appropriate presentation of the gospel. Since these people can’t read or write, the best way to reach them is through the Bible Story Telling Method. We take the truths of the Bible and teach these truths in story form. Since this is the way the unreached group hand down their history from generation to generation, this is a perfect approach to sharing the gospel with them." - Mike Owens
Harvest Community Church of Olathe has committed to sending a team to Brazil June 2025 in an effort to support the spread of the gospel and the ministry of Harvest Mission Brazil. A team of 13 people associated with our church will travel to São Luís, Brazil to share the bible in a very simplified VBS type format with an unreached people group in hopes that a church work will be started in which we can further support by annual visits and provision of necessities.